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Who goes home in Week 6?


TKor BB26 Hat
T’Kor Clottey became the Week 6 Head of Household on Big Brother 26. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal how people are likely to vote at the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.

T’Kor Clottey has been Head of Household for the week, but she expressed dissatisfaction with the power.

Since T’Kor didn’t even want to be HOH, she had no target for eviction. Instead, she has people she doesn’t mind seeing on the block.

T’Kor nominated Tucker De Lauriers, Cam Sullivan-Brown, and Makensy Manbeck for eviction.

Cam won the Power of Veto and saved himself from the block at the Veto Meeting.

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T’Kor named Angela Murray the replacement nominee; something that shocked Tucker and led to some in-fighting for the BB26 cast.

Live Feeds spoilers about votes from Big Brother 26 in Week 6

Eight houseguests will vote at the August 29 Eviction Ceremony. Someone is about to go home, but they still have a shot at safety.

Angela, Tucker, and Makensy will play in a new AI Arena Challenge on Thursday night, with someone acquiring safety.

Two people will remain on the block and various voting scenarios could play out here.

A groundswell of chatter about turning on Tucker has happened. Chelsie Baham and Cam have discussed trying to secure the votes to send him home. It’s possible, but more unlikely as it gets closer. T’Kor doesn’t want to break a tie.

If Tucker wins the AI Arena Challenge, the vote is between Makensy and Angela. It looks like Angela is doomed. Her antics may have caught up with her, especially after a recent fight with Tucker. But some people have said they want to keep Angela around because she is controllable. This is the most intriguing scenario, as it’s not set in stone, so it could lead to scrambling on eviction night.

If Makensy wins the AI Arena Challenge, Angela goes home unless Cam and Chelsie pull off some last-minute plans.

If Angela wins the AI Arena Challenge, Makensy goes home, again, unless Cam and Chelsie try to pull off a plan to turn on Tucker.

As it stands, Angela is the houseguest most likely to go home on Thursday night. She must win the AI Arena Challenge or possibly see her time in the Big Brother house end.

Don’t be surprised if the votes between Angela and Makensy shift if they are the final two on the block. Tucker has stated that he will throw the AI Arena Challenge to help dictate who goes home. Chaos would ensue if a vote between Angela and Makensy ended at 4-4 and forced T’Kor to break the tie. Will that happen? Stay tuned!

More from the Big Brother 26 cast

Angela’s daughter wants her mom home from the “nightmare” of the Big Brother house. She also found support from a BB alum on social media.

Makensy turned on Matt in a Live Feeds moment. She even called him a “rat” as she blamed two houseguests for ruining her game.

A houseguest has also talked about quitting. It didn’t sit well with fans, especially after Kenney Kelley talked about quitting earlier this season.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

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