Home Entertainment Who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 26? Spoilers revealed

Who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 26? Spoilers revealed


Julie Chen Messy Hair
Julie Chen Moonves is back for more Big Brother this summer. Pic credit: ©ImageCollect.com/S_bukley

Big Brother 26 spoilers now reveal who won the first Veto Competition.

The houseguests played the challenge on Saturday (July 20), as footage was gathered for the Wednesday night episode (July 24).

Much has happened in the Big Brother house over the past few days, including a Head of Household Competition and their Nomination Ceremony.

Below are many spoilers about what has been going down, so prepare to read the information that hasn’t been revealed during episodes yet.

Angela Murray won the first Head of Household Competition. She took charge of the house but may have become a Week 2 target.

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Angela had to nominate three people for eviction, introducing a new twist that likely also has something to do with Artificial Intelligence.

The first Veto Competition of the summer

Angela nominated Kenney Kelley, Kimo Apaka, and Lisa Weintraub for eviction.

The quartet got to play in the Veto Competition, and two randomly drawn players joined them.

Brooklyn Rivera and Josh Rodriguez were the two additions, working in Angela’s favor because she has alliances with each of them.

Angela, Kenney, Kimo, Lisa, Brooklyn, and Josh competed for the Power of Veto.

The feeds were down for a long time on Saturday, but when they returned, Lisa Weintraub had won the Power of Veto.

Lisa is a celebrity chef from Los Angeles, California, and she can now save herself from the block at the upcoming Veto Ceremony.

This all works in favor of Angela, as her primary target was Kenney, but she can still shift that target to someone else when she names a replacement nominee.

Below are images of the veto players for fans who aren’t able to match names to faces yet.

More important spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds

The BB26 cast made a shocking decision. They decided to protect the two players that AINSLEY downgraded. Cedic Hodges and Chelsie Baham had been downgraded from players to mascots, and they couldn’t compete for power. But the houseguests gathered and agreed to keep them safe in Week 1.

Here is info on America’s Veto that was revealed. A houseguest (the person claiming to have the power) explained how it works to their allies.

The identity of AINSLEY has also been revealed, as she is pretty famous outside of the Big Brother house. We haven’t seen the last of her on Big Brother 26.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+. The site also provides live feed access.

Big Brother 26 airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9/8c on CBS.

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