Home World July 17, 2024 – The Mercury News

July 17, 2024 – The Mercury News


The player known to us all as “Second Hand Rose” showed up at my club today. When the rule of “second hand low” on defense was taught, Rose must have been out with Jiggs the plumber.

Rose was East, and after North held his nose and opened one club on his 19-count, South played at 3NT. West led a diamond, riding to the ten. South then led a heart to dummy’s king and returned a club, and Second Hand Rose … with the queen!


South was in trouble. If he played low, Rose would lead a diamond, setting up West’s suit while he had the king of clubs as an entry. So South took the ace and led the jack, but West played low. South then tried a heart to dummy’s jack, but when Rose won and led a diamond, South took only eight tricks.

South would make 3NT if Rose played low on the first club. South would play the jack, losing to West, but would win four club tricks and at least 10 in all.

South could succeed even against Rose’s defense, but only with double-dummy play.


You hold: S Q 9 H 9 4 2 D K J 9 7 4 C K 7 6. Your partner opens one club, you respond one diamond and he bids one heart. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner could have 18 points, so you must bid again. To rebid two diamonds on a ragged five-card suit would be wrong. A two-club preference might work. With the balanced pattern, bid 1NT. If partner has a spade holding such as A-x-x, a notrump contract may fare better if played from your side of the table.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable


S A K 8

H A K J 6

D A 6 5

C 4 3 2


S Q 9

H 9 4 2

D K J 9 7 4

C K 7 6


S J 10 7 6 4

H Q 10 8 5

D 8 3

C Q 5


S 5 3 2

H 7 3

D Q 10 2

C A J 10 9 8

North East South West
1 C Pass 2 C Pass
2 H Pass 3 C Pass
3 S Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — D 7

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